Professional Qualifications, Training, Research & Experience

  • HonBSc - University of Toronto, Human Biology & Genetics (1997)

  • PhD - University of Toronto, Dept of Cell & Systems Biology (formerly Dept. of Zoology) (1999-2005)

  • Postdoctoral Research - St. Vincent’s Hospital and Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre - Cell Cycle & Development Group (2005- 2010).

  • Raising Children Network - Knowledge translation (2011-2014)

  • Frameworks Institute - Framing and evidence-based communication (2011-2014).

  • Ignite Your Spirit Practitioner & Workshop Teacher (2013 & 2014) - Shanti Mission

  • Family Partnership Foundation Training (2012), Group Facilitation (2012), Reflective Practice (2013)

  • Family Partnership Model Foundation Facilitator (2014).

  • Reflective Practice Supervision (2021) - Centre for Community Child Health, Murdoch Children Research Institute & Royal Children’s Hospital Melbourne

  • Accredited Dispute Resolution Mediation Practitioner - Dept of Justice & Regulation, Victoria (2016)

  • Trauma-informed group facilitation (Melbourne Processwork Centre, 2017)

  • Wellschool: Wellness literacy & coaching (2017).

  • 31 Day Meditation & Self-Reflection Series to help people reflect on relational dynamics involving power & control as underlying causes of suffering & wellbeing. My first program to help people gain insight about their own role in relational narcissism in interpersonal, family, institutional, spiritual community, social media community & societal contexts. (January 2018).

  • Safe Space Health Modality & Curriculum Design, Development, Facilitation. Developed a novel peer to peer trauma-informed, narrative coaching approach underpinned by critical theory, the essence of FPM coaching and Wellhabit coaching to support medical trainees, professionals and healthcare activists to address personal & interpersonal conflict/suffering to exit disempowering and narcissistic relational dynamics and access agency to facilitate change within the individual’s ecological context. The first of its kind to acknowledge and address the impact of toxic workplace culture, the hidden curriculum and systems-based trauma as underlying causes and for prevention of empathy loss and moral injury (Dec 2018-July 2019).

  • Empowering Parents Empowering Communities (EPEC) - (2021).

  • ASQ-TRAQ Facilitator Training - (Feb 2023)

  • Aboriginal Mental Health First Aid - (April 2023).

  • Relational-centred, spirituality-informed coaching, transformative learning & healing facilitation. (2011-present).

  • Independent medical & allied healthcare culture research - Placebo Effect, effective therapeutic relationships, empathy preservation & burnout prevention (now described as moral injury and other trauma), hidden curriculum in medical training.

  • A number of presentations, workshops, keynote speeches, Safe Space Health curriculum & coaching method, novel theories, book and peer reviewed publications emerged/emerging from this research. (2011-present).

My CV can be provided upon request.